Extension due by: Sunday, january 24-th 2016 at 23:59.

What to do in the extension: at least one PHP application with an HTML form, and an instance of the SQL CREATE, INSERT and SELECT queries.

It is due by: Monday, november 30-th 2015 at 23:59.

What to do: each student must:

  1. implement an application project consisting of at least one file containing PHP code (I want simple but understood programs !);
  2. download the PHP project to a folder in the students' own site by making two copies of the same file (or, files if more than one) respectively called filename.php and filename.php.txt;
  3. create an article on the students' own site with two links: one to the project executable/s (that is, to filename.php) and the other to the project source/s (that is, to filename.php.txt). Also put few words explaining what the application does and how it works. As an example, please see, how I realized the content "Podcasting, blackboards and examples" in the course site);
  4. create a button in the main menu of the students' own site (referred to in point 2) linked to the content in the previous point. As an example, please see, how I realized the main menu item "Podcasting, blackboards and examples" in my site.

Good work and Good luck !!